P.0.BOX 149
P.O.BOX 150
Dear Sir /
Enchosed is the report for research and mobilization. This report accounts the problem on good guardianship and how the problem on good guardianship.
The information in this report came from print source and in terms with parent’s children guardians and the community in general.
We appreacte the chancej to apply our knowledge to help the society and good guardianship for the children we would be very glad of your good the will be of our assistance to help as conducting more report and mobilization for good guardianship for the children
We look remand to her pran you if you have any question about this report please ask.
Sincerely Sincerely
A.Hyera B.Mbawala
Agrey E. Hyera Beatrice Mbawala
+255765683385 255714168213
Letter of transimited _______________________i
Introduction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ii
The writers of this research and mobilization for good guardianship for the children would like to give their thanks to the following people for their financial and moral support contribution for this research.
Mr. J. Sweke Head master SBSS as main advisor and helping us in all processes of doing this.
For granting us the permission to conduct the research in Songea District, Mwanamonga village, Mpitimbi village and Magingo, Madaba village, we are deeply indebted to Mr. Thomas Sabaya, the Songea District Commissioner.
Likewise, the appreciation and thanks be to Mr. E. F. Mbena, the headmistress of London secondary school for authorizing us to conduct this research.
Also we would like to thank Mr. Sunnira Haule and Gaston Aidan Nchimbi for their financial support in facilitation of this program.
We are indebted to the following student for their full participation in this research
1. Engelbeth T Evarist – Kigonsera Secondary school
2. Filieda Sanga _ London secondary school
3. Sadick M. Mpole _ Songea Boys Secondary School
4. Daudi Charles _ Songea Boys Secondary
5. Brutus Mgaya _ Songea Boys Secondary School.
Again, we are grateful to the following heads of villages
1. Mr. Ernest Luoga _ village executive officer, Mwanamonga village
2. Editha M. Kahimba _ village chairperson Mwanamonga village
3. Ponsiano Mhule _ Mwanamonga village accountant.
For their great help we would like to give special thanks to
1. Leadership of Mpitimbi secondary School
2. Leadership of Magingo Secondary School along with their students.
This research deals with good guardianship for children. This comes as a result of disengagement of the society in all matters per thawing with guardianship for children hence led to moral decay for the street children.
The purpose of this research is to in fluency t the government and community in general to participate fully in good guardianship for the children. We are dong this an not take care for children in the following areas.
1. Food and nutrition
2. Love
3. Right to be heard
4. Good education
5. Right to be guarded
6. Right to be guarded
7. Right to be involved
And other important things that are related to children guardianship
This research involves the collected information from parents guardians and children from three village namely Magingo Mwanamonga and Mpitimbi. There fore this research explains problems challenge and reason for acceleration for give guardianship for children.
We believe that this research would be a solution against moral decay and the increase in the street children
Good Guardianship
Are the guardianship that are given to a child that goes hand in hand with teaching morality Good morality involved obedience discipline respect heart of work patriotism.
Advantage of good guardianship for the children in the societies
1. Build the children with the good morally
2. Reduce eliminate the problem of the street children
3. Prevent the moral decay in the society and nation in general
Effect of bad guardianship
1. Moral decay in the society
2. In crease in the street children in the society
3. Destruction and abundance D of tradition and custom in the given society
4. Increase in gangster like reburies threat prostitution and drug abuse
5. Building of un coonskin society there by creating a nation that do not have the future vision forward social development.
This research was conducted in the following village at Songea District.
1. Mwanamonga
At the Mwanamonga village, the research involved the primary pupils. And Secondary students who were at the holiday break. Other in formation collected from children and elders. These information’s concerns with following matters.
1.1 Food and nutrition.
In the matters pertaining with food, children get three meals per day In the morning children get some tea, cassava. During the Lunch time, they eat some Ugali, beans and vegetable. However the vegetable are available in some period of time. The fruits which are available as bananas, oranges, mangoes
This research has come to know that many children like to eat some rice, ugali fish meat and vegetable However meat fish rice are not always available in their family.
The problem on food and nutrition are
1. Inability of getting satisfactory meals.
2. Lack of balanced diet following as a result of eating the following kinds of foods ugali beans and vegetable.
Consequently, the children do not get other nutrients food like fish, meat milk, eggs and vegetable and food with important mineral for body building like cassava.
1.2 Love
In the case of love, the great member of people accounted for 80% love their mother than their father. This is due to the intimate close relationship between mother and children. However 20% of children interviewed responded that they love their father only because they solve their different problems like the school needs.
On the other hand, some children love their guardian who care them and establish close relationship a many them guardian are orphans.
The research points that many time parents uses to punish their children However children prefer to be warned than to be punished whenever they have mistaken. They are with the knowledge that warning correct the person and it is easy for person to recognize what he or she has mistaken.
The research shows that children love their environment in which they live and born. Nevertheless, the fact realize that environment do no not have basic needs like water, electricity, playground and good houses.
1.3 Good Education.
The children have the right to good education. Following the difficulty in financial capacity, parents and guardian take advantages of poverty for not sending their children to schools. Despite the fact that some parents are in good position, they do not consider education as priority to their children. If the parents change of their outlook and decide from their bottom of their heart to help their children all matters related to education, the issue of good education can be reached.
Having conducted research in Mwanamonga village it was revealed that the children get low education which as not satisfactory for them to meet the current challengers and problems. Due to this many children are disappointed to carry on studies.
The children fail to get good education due to the following reason.
1. Many Schools do not have the satisfactory teacher. Hence the few teachers are given many responsibilities with the great amount of duties the teachers have the teachers have the teachers do not prepare the lesson plan well. They likewise do not touch well.
2. The schools do not have the libraries, for students, Absence of libraries in Mwanamonga is school prevent the students from having for their learning, studies and knowledge. Therefore they have to buy their own books for private study. But other children do not afford to buy those books for private use.
3. The school does not have laboratories. The laboratories are very necessary for scientific experiment and research. The students understand well only if the teacher teach with number of scientific experiments.
4. The schools do not have the satisfactory desk for students. One desk is situation which makes the students unable to write welling listen effectively when the teacher is teaching likewise, with absence of desks, many students are not smart. On the reason that sometime they have to sit on the floor. They again get difficult during the examination.
5. The research show that each new comes. Who join the standard one or form one has to contribute for or bring a desk. The parents and guardian are contented to fulfill this policy, unfortunately many parents or guardians do not fulfill the policy consequently their children are getting cult in pursuing an education.
6. The school do not have attractive environment for children to pursue good education. Many children responded to this research, they are with negative perspective that does not love their environment in which they study. The school does not have garden fences, flowers which are attractive to children.
Likewise they demand for drawn picture on the school walls that can bring the children’s heart of loving the school environment.
7. The research unveils that many parents or guardians do not provide advice and cooperation as assistance for their children to do well in their studies. Which came as a result of bad relation between children and parents or guardians the parents and guardians do not ask their children on academic report? Again some parents or guardian do not pay the contribution asked by school therefore they are hindrance of children forward passing well in their studies and reaching their children.
1.4 The right to be heard.
In the African societies the children are listened in provision or pronunciation of ideals advice. Their contribution in terms of idea and advice are being protested on the perspective that there are children and their ideas and advices are not national.
It is not the right behavior of not listening from the children. The societies should listen the children ale never they are articulating their problem with the knowledge that they building them and make them courageous and confident. Unlike when the children are not given the opportunity to express their problems ideas where by children are badly education and consequently they live add grow without the heart of course and confidence.
The research shows that many children are heard by their parent non guardians therefore their ideological contribution and advice on family decision making are not considered and not translated into action. Therefore the duty of making decision has been placed under the heart and hand of parents and guardians.
1.5The Right to be regarded
Normally, no human being wants to be dehumanized as it to his/her fellow human being. Likewise children need to be regarded and respected. Children feel unhappy and unpeaceful whenever they are appreciated and regarded and that they are normally persecuted in many ways.
The research conducted in Mwanamonga shows that great percentage of the children are not regarded by their parents and guardians.
The parents and guardians do not take care for their children in terms of morality, education and dignity in general. The parents and guardians do not care on where their children play games and sports.
In the case of warning the children against the mistake they do the parents and guardians uses complex brutal and sarcastic language. Thus it dehumanizes the children.
1.6 The right to be included.
The children should be included in different affairs like in opinion and advice. By doing so, the children get experience and confidence consequently they will have an ability to make logical and rational decision in the future life in school, pupils or students should be given the right to opinion on teaching methodology, school task description ,and its implementation.
The report on the research show that many children are not included in the family decision making on the negative perspective that all the decision made are about elders and not true on the community. This is not true in the sense that children on their side have their position in making decision.
1.7 The right to be guarded.
In order for a man to reach a particular place or goals need the map or light through which he or she may vision. Human being needs and in an instruction on how to reach a place or goals.
Similarly, children like other human being; their coming in this world was associated with ignorance. They are surrounded with darkness. Therefore, they don’t know what to do that could help them to reach their dreams. The outcome of poor relation between children and parents lacks good instruction to the children, the following children question are not well answered,
(i) What is his or her talent?
(ii) Who will he or she be?
(iii) Which job is good for him or her?
(iv) If you want to be a teacher, what someone should do?
(v) What is his or her future career?
The research points out that great percentages of children are interested in the following careers; teaching, military officer, doctor. However, the children dreams would not reach the successful point. Their dreams are the beginning of the process. In order for them to reach the end, they parents, guardians and the community in general.
This research was conducted at the Mwanamonga village on 19.06. 23011 by Agrey .E. Hyera (Songea Boys Secondary School) in collaboration with Engelbeth T. Evarist (Kigonsera Secondary School) And Beatrice Mbwambo (Londoni Secondary School)
At Mpitimbi village, the research involves the Secondary students from Mpitimbi Secondary school who were at the holiday break. The research got the information on the following field;
2.1 Food and nutrition
According to the reports in the case of food and nutrition the children get three meals per day. For the breakfast, the children get some tea, potatoes, bananas and cassava. For the midday meals, they are given ugali, beans, and vegetables. During the dinner meals, the children take Ugali and fishes.
The research reveals that the great number of children are in great interest in eating ugali, some rice, fishes which are available for 80% un like to 20% of food and drinks which are not easily available in their family. Some milk is available for 20% of children, contrary to 80% of children who do not given some milk.
The problems that are associated with the availability of food and nutrition are:
(1) Inability of getting satisfactory meals
(2) Lack of balanced diet as a result eating the food of similar kind and food with little nutrients
(3) Food like meats, milk and fruits which are great nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals.
2.2 LOVE
In the normal circumstances, each human being needs to be loved. Each person with happiness and peace live in the society which love him or her. Similarly, children feel very happy and peaceful only if they are being loved by their parents, guardians and society in general. However some African societies do not love their children. They are using brutal and sarcastic language against the children consequently; children do not philosophically and psychologically recognize their values in building of the society
The research shows that the great number of children’s accounted to 95% love much their mother rather than they love their father. This is due to the following.
(1) Intimate close relationship between mother and children
(2) Mother take much care for family
(3) Mother is good guardian for family
(4) She is always pity to her children
(5) Mother is a chief adviser of the family
(6) Mother care much on the importance of education, thus she can mobilize education for her children.
With this evidence that mother is the salt of earth in guardianship many children in Mpitimbi village love their mother than they do to their father. Therefore to educate the woman is to educate the society.
Likewise the research shows that many children are being punished bitter whenever they have been caught doing mistake. Children on their side, they argued that they would like to be warned than to be beaten. Why do they argue in this perfect? Their stands are with the following argument
(i) Warning give the children a chance to recognize the mistake, its negative impact and how to get rid of it
(ii) Warning educates the children on good morality, thus to cope well with the society.
(iii) Warning facilitate love between parents and children
(iv) Warning give the children the opportunity to learn by mistake
(v) Help to prevent the children from going growing more wrong doers
With these facts, the great number of children would like to be advised whenever they have mistaken.
Besides, the research unveils 80% of children in Mpitimbi village who feel happy and love the environment in which they live. The feel happy with those habits with the following reason;
(i) Presence of attractive environment in their homes
(ii) Provision of basic needs in their family
(iii) Their homes have peace and love
(iv) They are familiar with environment in which they born.
Despite the fact that 80% of children love their environment, the fact that the place do not have safe and clean water, electricity, good hospital, and good house.
2.3 Good education.
Children have the right to education the children have possibility to get good education on the condition that there is no hindrance from parents.
The parents’ engagements with all their heart in ensuring that the children get good education by encourage good relationship between students and teachers are keys to reach good education. Likewise the society should be in the front line emphasizing on the importance of good education for social political and economic development
In this exercise, the society should take into account the Slogan that “Your neighboring child is you child”
By all means, the society should join the parents’ guardians and teacher in the facilitation for good education
The research shows that the Mpitimbi Secondary School is in good position in provision of good education.
This is due to the following reason
(i) School have good satisfactory number of teacher to cover all teaching subject though not in great length
(ii) The School have good building and environment that enable a student to per form well .
(iii) Presence of satisfactory numbers of desks that cope the number of students.
(iv) Provision od midday meals
Despite the fact that the school has attempted to ensure that students get good education, there are the following challenges;
1. Lack of teachers
2. Absence of laboratories for Conducting Scientific experiment with regard to school number of ordinary students from form one to form four who are taking science subject based on theory ons in order for them to have scientific experiment, they to have scientific experiment, they have to do that in neighboring school
3. The school do not have library that student and teachers could use for more learning. Therefore, students fail to what they have been taught it is only small percentage of student who can afford to by book for private use.
4. The school do not have the dinning room
5. Lack of dormitories
6. Lack of good toilets
The research reread that parents and guardian are cooperating in great length by counseling the children on the importance of education. They pay the school fees for their children. Likewise, in order for them to ensure that their children pay attention on education, their parent read the academic report of their children.
2.4 The Right to be heard.
By all means African Societies the great challenge is that of not listening the children contribution in terms of ideas, advice and opinion. Even when they face number of problems the parents care not of their assistance.
The research shows that only 20% of children who give out opinion, advice are being listened and their contribution in terms of ideas are being put in to force.
However 60% of children who narrate their advice, opinion, and perspective to their parents are being ignored and nothing are being implemented by their parents. Despite the fact that the ideas and advice are being pronounced by Secondary Students still parents and guardians do not enforce them into concrete term . They end despising those ideas with regard that the ideas and advice comes from the children and not the elders
2.5 The right to be regarded.
Children like other human being need to be respected. Many children feel un happy and unsecured whenever the parents and guardians disregard and disrespect them.
The research shows that 40% of children, who ignored, disregarded and dehumanized by their parents, guardian and commons in general. This happens on the perspective that the children are dehumanized. But parents should know that all human being are equal and that they need equal consideration.
2.6 The Right to be involved
Children should participate in making decision by pronouncing the ideas, opinion before elders, parents and guardians, the participation should involve making national decision to affect the family, academic, social and national matters. For example children should be given the right to decide on what subject to study in relation to their interest and paleontology business science and art subject
The research shows that 20% of children are being involved in making decision. However 80% of children are not involved in making family decision.
The family which do not involve their children in making decision create the environment through which the children lack confidence courage and logic in making decision that may work out the challenge they face , Also the children can loose the vision they have toward their family and society.
On the other hand, disinvolvement of children in making the day to day decision leads to the increase in crimes on the reason that children do not know whether their ideas are rational or logic. They are also not warned.
2.7 The right to be guarded.
In order for the children to reach their dreams they need good guardianship from parents, guardians and the society in general.
The research shows only 20% of children are being given instruction by parents, guardians and the society surrounding them.
However 80% of children are not well guarded. They are not well instructed or given the way forward reaching their dreams.
Though many children have dreams and purpose to become teachers, soldiers, and pilots and writers, their dreams are being jeopardized. This is being influence by poor relationship between children by parents likewise the children are not well given information, wisdom and encouragement on what they dream.
The research was conducted at Mpitimbi village by Agrey. E. Hyera and Beatrice Mbwambo from London secondary school in collaboration with Engelbeth .T. Evarist of Kigonsera secondary school on 21st June 2011. Again in the collection of information the assistance came from Mpitimbi secondary students.
This research was made on 24-06-2012 in the Magingo village. The information on this research collected from secondary students. Some of information was taken from parent who were involved in mobilization for good guardianship for children,
This research was conducted by Agrey .E. Hyera From Songea Boys Secondary school, Beatrice Mbwambo fro London secondary school and Filieda Sanga from London secondary school.
3. Magingo
At Magingo village the research involves the students from one to form three from Magingo Secondary school. The research includes the following area.
3.1 Food and nutrition.
In the case of food the research shows that children get three meals per day. For the morning meals, the children get porridge, tea potatoes At the midday, the children get some ugali beans and vegetable the vegetable are available in particular season of the year.
The research shows that 70% of children do not get fruits contrary to 30 who get fruits like orange and avocados during the lunch time.
Many children are not given fruits following that do not allow them to buy fruits
The report on the research justify that the great number of children like some rice, ugali, meat, beans and vegetable. However the availability of some food is very difficult as a result of economic difficult in many family likewise many children get fishes twice a week, while getting some meet once per month. Again, they are given milk once per week, But it is only 20% of children which have chance to take some milk, However 80% of children who are not given milk even at once.
The problem that is associated with food and nutrition are.
I) Provision of unsatisfactory food and nutrition.
II) Lacks in balanced diet that are with nutrients.
III) Children lacks food of their interest like meets, rice eggs and milk
3.2 Love
The children feel very happy and peaceful whenever their parents or guardians love and care them. The great number of African societies love their children when they born however when the children grow up enough for them to join the format school, the parents and guardian do not love them much. They speak and act violently and impolitely against their children.
The report on this research shows that the number of children accounted to 97% love their mothers than they do the father because of the following reason.
1. Mother show pity on her children
2. Mother fight for education to her children
3. Mother is very understanding on children problems
4. Mother contribute much to the family income
5. Close relationship of the mother to her children, thus she is the first teacher for children. She warns and advise the children
6. Mother is good guardian.
7. The father is spending much time in drinking action.
There those prove that the mothers are the savior for many children in the Magingo village. They are the salt of earth in ensuring children development.
With the following reasons, the research shows that the great percentage of children prefect more to be warned than to be punished.
1. Worming building love between the children, parent and guardian
2. Give them the chance to understand on what they have mistaken and how to correct themselves from repeating the some mistake.
3. Build the openness to the children in expressing the problem or the causes for doing mistakes.
Following these reason, the children feel comfortable when they are warned on what they have mistaken. They are objecting into punishment.
The research show that 90% of children love the environment in which they live while 10% do not feel at home
The 90% say they love their environment with the following argument
1. The house are being well lead their home
2. House with water top
3. Presence of garden
4. Availability of basic needs
5. Presence of loves between parent and children.
However to those who hate the environment in which they fire the sand actively with the following reason.
1. Absence of basic needs in houses
2. House build and put with grasses
3. Absence of electricity, water and uncondussive environment.
This research reveals that in spite of the fact that many children love their environment the reality is that there is the absence in basic needs like electricity, water, hospital, school and good modern houses. Likewise there is absence in nutrition and balanced, diet.
3.3 Good education.
The research conducted in the Magingo Secondary school points out that the school is in good position in ensuring that students earns good education. In spite of this, there are the following challenges.
i). The school do not have laboratory through which students could useful scientific experiment and practical like chemistry, biological and physical experiment, consequently they do not understand well the science subject, They do not translate the theory in practical views, Hence they are being discouraged in taking science subject.
ii). The school do not have the sati factory teachers; therefore the school do not meet the needs of good teaching.
iii) The school does not have library In the case that it only small number of student who can afford to buy books, the students do not get much knowledge and experience.
vii). The school have neither water tape no a well therefore school fetch water in the river.
iv). Small number of school building like classes, office, dormitories. School has only three building which are used like classes and staff for teachers.
v). The school do not have play ground, the situation which create bad environment for the children of not engaging in games and sports as the part of education.
vi). The school do not have visual aid for teaching students the situation which result to miss understanding to students and inability for students to memory and remember what they learnt in the class.
Despite the challenge, the school has attempted to do goods in the following areas so that to ensure that it provide good education to its students
1. Good conducive environment for studying
2. Presence of satisfactory desk that meet the whole number of students
3. The school provide midday food to students following them contribute for food in terms of money and food crops each semester.
3.4 Right to be heard.
The children have the right to be heard by their parents and guardians whenever they are pronounces out their ideas, opinion or advice.
The research shows that only 60% of children pronounce their ideas, opinion and advice. However it is only 3% of what they contribute in making decision is brought into force. However 97 of the children are being ignored and not regarded by not given the right to pronounce the ideas, opinion or advice in making family decision.
3.5 The right to be regarded
The parents, guardians and the societies are entitled to regard and care the children as human being. This makes the children feel that they are valuable like others.
The research shows that many children are not regarded by their parent and guardians as a result of negative attitude they have toward the children. However, they believed the only regarded children are those with respect, politeness and who do well in class and other affairs. Generally, children in regardless of characteristics, they have they are entitled to respected and regarded.
3.6 The right to be involved
The research shows that only 40% of children are involved in different decision making, while 60% are not involved in making family decision. There fore, many children do not get the chance to express their ideas, and opinion on the problem they have positive ideas and opinion towards decision making. Therefore, children should be involved in making decision.
3.7 The right to be guardianship
The research shows that 30 only of children are given instruction by parents, guardians and society in general. However 70% of children are not well instructed and guarded that can help them in the hilling their dreams. Therefore, the great number of children does not know the way forward in order to reach their dreams.
The report shows that 20% of children know the history of parents and guardian. Nevertheless 80% of children do not know the history of their parents and guardians.
The research shows that many children have dream of becoming politicians, members of the parliament, soldiers, nurses and civil servant in different levels. Therefore, 80% of children who are not well instructed and guarded by parents and guardians, they therefore loose their dreams. Consequently the societies will loose their important people to take different position like good teacher, good politician, doctors, and nurses.
As well as we know that good guardianship are associated with good morality and provision of basic need like foods shelter and other basic need that could make of child feel comfortable and pursue studying.
In our societies the issue of food guardianship is ignored and people do not concentrate much on good guardian ship for children.
They see that there is no advantage forwards putting the minds on good guardianship. As a result of the society is immorally built
Following this we have decided to take this responsibility to influence for good guardianship for children in village.
The following is the official report on the mobilization for good guardianship.
Mr. Ernest Luoga the village executive officer with great pleasure invited Miss Editha M. Kahimba the Mwanamonga village chairperson to open a meeting for mobilization for good guardianship. Having been invited to open the meeting . Miss Editha introduce to other village leaders. She then welcome the facilitators for good guardianship Agrey .E. Hyera (Songea boys Secondary School) and Beatrice Mbwambo (London Secondary School so that they could introduce themselves. Before the audience and speak on the importance of good guardianship for the children.
By all means, the program for good guardianship touched the feeling of many villages in Mwanamonga villagers. The reason is those Mwanamonga villagers forget to take duty and responsibility on matters concerning guardianship like teaching their children good morality.
On the reason that the parents do not consider their duty on teaching their children good morality, the children in maturity age are on the bad behavior. They likely engage in prostitution. They again engage in night dances.
Being given details in the good guardianships the citizens shamed the dynamic heart. They are more than nothing felt very proud to engage in good guardianship for children from the early age. Having seen that there is great importance for parents and society to start engaging in good guardianship, the village leaders and teacher gave a hand of thanks.
Also, with the understanding that the issue of good guardianship was forgotten and was not regarded by the society, the village leaders thanked us and they took it as a challenge to them.
After speaking to them, the villages were given the opportunity to ask the question. The following are some of question asked by villages.
(i) What does the corruption happens when ever the government on vacant are published (e.g. Army, police)
(2) Many children do not listen their parents on the perspectives that they are outdated and being disposed, what should parents do to correct their children.
The following were the answer given by Agrey .E. Hyera.
(i) Always, youth fail to meet the given qualification for them to be selected for the job recruitment, therefore, the youth are being supported by the community have negative attitude that their children have been exploited. The con create example is that society where by some children are not recruited; there are also those who have been recruited.
(ii) Prevention is be her than treatment, thus moral guardianship should taught from when the children born so that to avoid moral delay. Concern moral delays the children should not disappointed, they should seek cooperation from the society government leadership, teachers so that to ensure that their children stop behaving in bad manner.
Ultimately, parents were advised on the following matters.
(i) Both father and mother to cooperate in guardianship
(ii) Parents should participate fully in moral guardianship for children
(iii) Parent and community should guardianship for children
(iv) Parents and community should avoid bad attitude and behavior before the eyes of children that to prevent children from despising them.
At the end, Mwanamonga village leaders gave thanks to facilitators and invite them to visit them when ever they would have the time. Miss Editha .M. Kahimba the Mwanamonga village chairman closed the meeting.
At Magingo village, the program for mobilization for good guardian ship conducted in collaboration with Mr. Ponsiano Mhule the Magingo village accountant. The facilitators for this program were Agrey .E. Hyera (Songea Boys Secondary School), Beatrice Mbwambo (from London Secondary School) Filieda Sanga from London Secondary School .The main facilitators was Agrey.E. Hyera
By using the instruction, the citizen was taught on good guardianship for children and advised on the following matters:
· Establish close relationship with their children and know the group and place through which their children engage
· Teach children practically on the importance of love.
· To correct the children whenever they make invaluable speech by advising and warning them
· Parents and guardians should give good instruction enough for children to reach their dreams
· To involve the children in family decision making so that to give them experiences and confidence in making decision.
· To the guardians who live with orphan they should take them and care them as should no discriminate them.
· To establish a strong cooperation among community parents, guardians teachers, government and religious leaders in all matter concerning with good guardianship
· Help the children in provision of basic needs for instance school needs. It is hereby that the woman should likewise be given the firs to priority on the reason that they are of great assistance in building the society.
Finally the deputy village executive officer concluded the programme at Magingo village when ever they could have the time.
In order to reach success in the program for good guardianship for children, the society should understand what is a good guardianship?
On the other hand, the relationship between the exports like health experts, human right in law and environment and communities are major instrument forward good guardianship for the children . The experts should educate and advise the communities on the importance of good guardianship. Again, they take a way forward against the parents or guardians who do not take care for their children.
The organizations which are dealing with good guardianship for children should ensure that organization establish a close relation ship with the community. Again they should play as the assistant forwards good guardianship.
Moreover there should facilitators who will always visit the communities with the purpose of mobilizing and facilitating for good guardianship.
The society should recognize the children needs in relation to the given environment and enable them forwards reaching those needs e.g. instruments for games and sports.
References of this project was from the following books;
1. ‘TUMTENDEE MTOTO YALIYO MEMA’ written by Robert V. Makaramba
2. UKWELI KUHUSU MAISHA written by Peter Adamson
The report from this research and mobilization for good guardianship shows that the societies are very backward in the issue of good guardianship to the children.
The following are the recommendation by this researcher on how to facilitate good guardianship and as a result the nation or society could be well built.
The government should give out the priority to organization that is dealing with educating and facilitating for good guardianship.
The experts in nutrition and food should ensure that they provide good education on nutrition and food for the children
Experts in human right and social welfare should provide education an the right for children that the parents and society should recognize them.
While conducting this research and mobilizing for good guardianship for the children, The research and mobization faced the following challenges.
· Disappointment with the perspective that we are doing what is not on our duty and responsibility
· Negative attitude that were conducting and mobilizing for good guardianship for the children in interest of a certain group of people
· Financial weakness. We had small amount of finance denoted by own brothers and sister that could not meet our demand for the programs
· Lack of instruments like camera
· Poor attendance of citizen during the program for mobilization for good guardianship for the children
· Failure in mobilization for good guardianship for children in Mpitimbi village as a result it delay in formation and collision in responsibilities
Lastly we Agrey .E. Hyera and Beatrice Mbwambo would thank Mr. Gaston .A. Nchimbi and Mr. Suniva Haule for their great role played to succeed this program.
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